Track 3

09.19(Sun) 15:30-16:20

Educational version Minecraft latest situation.Exploring utilization in the region.

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Conventional. "Educational version of Minecraft", which was limited to schools / educational institutions, has been available to general organizations / companies since May of this year. This is the "Camps and Clubs Update". Although it is expected to be used in clubs for children after school, sufficient information has not yet spread.
Therefore, I would like to give you the latest information and think about what kind of activities are possible in the area.



    Masao Niizuma

    momoyamasha LLC / CoderDojo Hibarigaoka

    ライター/ITコンサルタント。2012年よりCoderDojoひばりヶ丘を主催。地域密着型の一軒家型コワーキングスペースを拠点として、幅広い分野で活動中。 他にコワーキング協同組合理事、ペライチ公式埼玉県代表サポーターも勤めている。
    2021年5月に、Minecraft Certifiedを取得。

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