Track 2

09.18(周六) 16:30-17:20


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名为 Service Design Network Japan 的服务设计团体在今年建立了「行政与服务设计」的专案小组。
这次要来谈谈在Code for Japan会议中开发指南书的背景,与今后会如何发展。

Graphic Recording


Graphic artists : yu aruga, akie mishima



Atsushi Hasegawa

株式会社コンセント代表取締役社長/武蔵野美術大学 大学院造形構想学科教授

I am a leading expert in the field of information architecture, which is "design for understandability". In 2002, I founded Concent Inc. and have been involved in research and practice of design education in companies and governments, as well as exploring the social application of design and the possibilities of design itself through corporate website design and service development. I am a member of various committees, including the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Study Group for Advanced Design Human Resource Development, the Government CIO's Design Task Force of the Digital Government Technology Study Council, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Provisional Member of the Central Council for Education (Lifelong Learning Subcommittee). Co-chair of the Service Design Network Japan Chapter and Vice President of the Human-Centered Design Promotion Organization (HCD-Net). I am a Doctor of Science.


    Eiko Ichikawa

    Fjord, Design and Innovation from Accenture Interactive

    I joined the IMJ Group in 2006, and have been in charge of a wide range of service planning, strategy development, and operation for both independent projects and projects for client companies. I have also been engaged in organizational management for many years. I am also in charge of Program Management and Studio Management.


      Yoichi Shirasawa


      I am a design consultant at Sociomedia.
      After graduating from high school in Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture, I studied information engineering (image processing and pattern recognition) and design approaches for users (human-centered design).
      I am a council member of the Human Centered Design Promotion Organization (HCD-Net) and an HCD-Net certified HCD (Human Centered Design) specialist. Currently, I am considering a certification system for basic knowledge of Human Centered Design. He was also a member of the JIS drafting committee for ISO 9241-210:2010 (Ergonomics - Human Centered Design of Interactive Systems).
      Recently, I have also participated in the Service Design Network Japan Chapter and the Service Design TF for Government and Local Authorities, where we are examining a playbook to help government and local government officials start working on design for users.


        Satoko Yamagishi


        After working on UI/UX design for smartphone applications at a manufacturer, I moved to Infobahn in 2015. I have been working on product and service design projects in various fields, applying and practicing design thinking and future-oriented approaches.


          Hiroki Sunagawa

          Code for Japan

          在京都大学信息学研究生院毕业后,我于2010年加入松下公司,在退休前从事半导体EDA和飞机娱乐系统的设计工作达五年。在松下工作五年后,我于2015年前往芬兰阿尔托大学学习设计管理,并于2017年返回日本。回到日本后,我被神户市政府聘为信息通信技术业务专家,致力于推动工作方式改革,并在市政府内建立一个科技社区。目前,我活跃在Code for Japan的GovTech和智能城市领域。

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